Diagnostic Support

Refer directly to speciality clinic where Neurologist and Neuropsychologist work together

If a patient presents in your clinic as complex to diagnose - for example: patient is under 65 or is experiencing atypical cognitive changes - please refer them to our specialist Rural and Remote Memory Clinic where multi-disciplinary team members including a Neurologist and Neuropsychologist participate in the assessment.

We then follow up with you to report diagnosis and suggest a managment plan.

To refer, please complete and fax the referral form to 306-966-1152.

Additional Supports Available . . .

First Link Program - offered through Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan

First Link® Program and Referral information for Healthcare Providers.

First Link® is a program of the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan that connects people with dementia and their families to information, support services and education as early as possible and throughout the progression of the disease. Formal referral from physicians and health professionals allows for proactive contact with individuals and families.

Educational Resources for Providers

The team is building a collection of educational resources intended for health care providers. Many of these resources are prepared with Saskatchewan providers in mind. From short podcasts about topics like Driving and Dementia, to longer presentations about Management of End-Stage Dementia.



These supports and services are being offered as part of ongoing clinical and research services offered by the Rural Dementia Action Research (RaDAR) Team at the University of Saskatchewan.